Monday, November 19, 2012

Surprise Solo!

You guys will NOT believe what I did in church yesterday. Unless you were there, in which case you're probably still laughing about it.

So yesterday we had one of those music testimony meetings where people can come up and bear their testimony about a certain hymn. Then the whole congregation sings one verse of the hymn. It was great! Very spiritual, very beautiful.

Until I ruined the whole thing.

You see, I was one of the music conductors for the meeting. Another sister and I were tag-teaming, taking turns leading the songs. Somehow I ended up with all the tricky ones! (3/2 time, REALLY? Thanks a lot, John B. Dykes.)

One of those tricky songs was "Come, Come, Ye Saints," which switches back and forth between 4/4 time and 3/4 time. I was SO focused on switching from ending in 3/4 time to starting again in 4/4 time that I forgot we were only supposed to sing ONE VERSE!

Trevor had stopped playing the organ, and the congregation had stopped singing... but I was so focused on getting that rhythm right that I didn't even notice.

I belted out a magnificent "WHYYYYY!!" It was beautiful. It was worthy of an opera.

I started mentally congratulating myself on both getting that tricky rhythm right AND singing beautifully. THEN my brain finally remembered that we were only supposed to sing one verse... and I realized that there was no organ playing... and no one else singing except me.... and I sat down as quick as I could. Everyone was laughing, including me!

That is one music testimony meeting I'll never forget!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Maybe A Little Irreverent

We bought this sweet Thor USB drive for Trevor a while back.

But you know what? I think it looks less like Thor and more like Jesus.

What do you think? Is it just me?

Sunday, November 4, 2012


What do you do with a free 50 lb bag of potatoes?

Well, first you share 25 lbs of it with someone else... let's not be ridiculous here, two people cannot eat 50 lbs of potatoes before they go bad.

And then, you think of as many ways to eat potatoes as possible!

Delicious, but I don't want to see another potato again for a loooong time.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Facepalm, Facebook.

Why does Facebook think I'm a mom? I keep getting ads for diapers, bottles, etc. on my Facebook page. No matter how many times I click that little gray x, they keep coming back! What the heck?

Seriously, it has gotten so bad over the last few days, I started collecting screenshots of the little buggers:

I mean, it's hard enough to be infertile without virtual vendors peddling baby products on my news feed. But this one really takes the cake:

Even without the blatant apostrophe misuse, this one really offends me. Oh,, I can't tell you how much I want to be in "The Private Club for Moms." It's a club I always thought I'd be in; motherhood has been my goal since I was a little kid. Now I know that it's going to be more difficult for me to achieve that dream than it is for most people, and sometimes I do feel like I'm being left out of the "club."

And *ahem, Facebook advertising people* sometimes I'd like one less reminder of that fact, capisce?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Princess Teacher

I had a dream last night that I had to cancel this blog, because... my sweet husband was actually a prince (and he waited until after we were married to tell me that??). So I became a princess and had to go off and learn how to rule a kingdom, wear exquisite clothes, and have great hair. And really, who has time for blogging in the middle of all that?

Then I woke up and remembered that I'm not a princess, but a teacher, which is the second-best thing.

I got my student teaching placement for next semester! Because I'm dual majoring in elementary ed and special ed, I have two 30-day placements. The first one is in Escalante Valley Elementary School. Great school! I've gone to a workshop with some of their teachers, and they were excellent! I am very excited for my placement, but not very excited to drive all the way out there (45 minutes) every day. Hopefully I can carpool with some other student teachers.

Cute little school!

It's only, you know, 35 miles away.

Surrounded by farmland.

Case closed.

They have one teacher for each grade level at Escalante Valley, so I'll be student teaching the whole third grade. All 15 of them. Stoked for the class! Not so much for the drive. But I'm excited!

After that, I'll be going to Cedar High School for my special ed placement. Last time I spent a day in their special ed program, I LOVED it! I actually requested that placement for my student teaching, and I am so glad they put me there. I really look forward to student teaching next semester! (And graduating after that!)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Love You Too, Chocolate!

I have always loved chocolate. But here is proof that it loves me too!

This little heart melted into the bottom of a dessert mix I was making. Delicious and adorable!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Crazy Kindergarten Adventure

This past week I went up north to be a student teacher in Kindergarten for a week. What a CRAZY difference from fourth grade!

In true Kindergarten style, here is a counting book describing my week...

What an amazing week! Can't wait to find out what kind of adventure we'll have in St. George next month!

(Pictures created using Check it out.)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tip of the Day

Listen to the Avengers soundtrack while doing household tasks.

It makes everything you do epic.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"You're Going to Love It"

Today after I was done teaching at the elementary school, I heard a girl behind me say to a friend:

"It's called oxidation. It's what happens when rocks rust. You're going to love it when you're in 5th grade!"

Total. Win.

I just had to ask the girl who her teacher was so I could share! I knew she'd love to hear that story.

Apparently the 5th grade field trip to Cedar Breaks today was a success!

In other news, today I...
  • Wrote a song about the writing process in 3 minutes
  • Received a homemade paper sea turtle
  • Had to cheat off a student's multiplication sheet so I didn't look stupid while teaching math (don't judge. The multiplication tables for 8 are tough!)
  • Tipped my hat to the people who market Bugles. I approve of the pun on the back of their bag: "Other Snacks are Pointless!" Darcie, I know you're with me on this one.
  • Witnessed a marriage proposal (Hey! Another kind of "rock".... heh heh... Give me some butter, I'm on a roll.) Congratulations to the happy couple! It was like a scene straight out of a movie.
In all, a pretty great day!

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Real Slice

I was pretty proud of my hair this morning!

My curly ponytail reminded me of someone, so I added little curly strands on the side to match her sassy style even more...

I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day!

I truly am a six-year-old at heart.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Post Numero Uno

Welcome to my new blog! 

I love reading blogs, but I've always been too chicken to make my own. "What if people think it's dumb? What if nobody reads it? What if I don't have anything to say?" Blah. You know what? I don't care! I'm making a blog anyway! So there!

I guess I can start with a little intro. My name is Cassie. I married this sexy stud two years ago. Lucky me! I am in my 5th (and last) year at SUU, dual majoring in elementary and special education. I love family, musicals, teaching kids, ice cream, our ward, Pinterest, our apartment, and sunshine. 

Oh, and I've lost about 20 lbs. since this picture was taken. Go me! That 20 lbs is actually a big deal, because I have a disorder called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which makes it really difficult for me to lose weight. It also means I'll have difficulty having children; this has been a tough idea for us to get used to. But I'm sure I'll write plenty more on that later.

I think part of the reason I've never really gotten a blog off the ground is just the daunting task of finding a blog niche. I'm not especially good at recipes, crafting, photography, travel, or how-tos.

I've just got my life.

So this may end up being a blog about college, work, education, family, marriage, infertility, funny stuff, churchy stuff, and everything in between. Thank you for joining me!