Sunday, September 23, 2012

Post Numero Uno

Welcome to my new blog! 

I love reading blogs, but I've always been too chicken to make my own. "What if people think it's dumb? What if nobody reads it? What if I don't have anything to say?" Blah. You know what? I don't care! I'm making a blog anyway! So there!

I guess I can start with a little intro. My name is Cassie. I married this sexy stud two years ago. Lucky me! I am in my 5th (and last) year at SUU, dual majoring in elementary and special education. I love family, musicals, teaching kids, ice cream, our ward, Pinterest, our apartment, and sunshine. 

Oh, and I've lost about 20 lbs. since this picture was taken. Go me! That 20 lbs is actually a big deal, because I have a disorder called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which makes it really difficult for me to lose weight. It also means I'll have difficulty having children; this has been a tough idea for us to get used to. But I'm sure I'll write plenty more on that later.

I think part of the reason I've never really gotten a blog off the ground is just the daunting task of finding a blog niche. I'm not especially good at recipes, crafting, photography, travel, or how-tos.

I've just got my life.

So this may end up being a blog about college, work, education, family, marriage, infertility, funny stuff, churchy stuff, and everything in between. Thank you for joining me!


  1. I am so glad you are blogging! Now I can follow your life and we can pretend we are still friends even though you live many miles away! You are the cutest and I'm so excited for the Life of Cassie :)

    1. Thanks Libby! I pretend we are still friends too. ;) I look up to you so much and love hearing about your life!

  2. Okay, I am WAY impressed that you've lost 20 lbs! I've got PCOS too and I've been trying so hard to eat well and exercise and I'm still gaining weight! You have to share your secrets with me.

    1. Honey, it has not been easy. It has taken almost a year, and my weight has fluctuated a lot in that time. I'm taking metformin (which helps with the weight, but totally makes me sick), eating as healthy as a poor college student can, and EXERCISING like crazy. I still have about another 20 lbs to go before I reach my goal weight, but I feel like I am doing well despite the obstacles. You can do it! I believe in you!

    2. That is so awesome! My BFF has PCOS too and she took metformin for a long time and she swears it's evil cuz it makes her sick too so I'm not on it. I'm trying to be healthy and get skinny before I have more kids, but since we're doing an IUI this cycle we'll see how that turns out. I've had 13 months to lose the baby weight (oh yeah, and those 30 lbs I'd gained before that) and now I'm really wishing I'd been a little more aggressive about it. I'm so proud of you!

  3. Yay! I am excited to hear about the Walkers!!

    1. AH! Megan! I am so excited you want to read my blog! Your blog is so so so cool.
